Need Extra Income? Best Work-at-Home Jobs

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To begin your search for writing work, you may try: 

  • contacting online or print publications you're familiar with and requesting their writers' guidelines;
  • applying at a content company such as Demand Media or Hubpages;
  • peruse online job listings at sites such as Odesk, Indeed and Career Builder;
  • checking the jobs board at ProBlogger; or
  • venturing out and beginning your own blog or writing company. 

At-Home Tutoring 

If you have a background in education or you have certain skills that'd you like to share, tutoring could be a good fit for you. Private online tutoring is a field in its prime; offering classes or private tutoring in your home is another valid option. 

Most companies don't require a teacher certification, but you will need some verifiable experience and demonstration of knowledge of the field in which you're applying. If you decide to go the online tutor route, you'll need to have a high-speed Internet connection and the ability to learn whatever software or platform the employer requires you to use.