Hot Stuff: Summer Crafts for Kids

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"I'm not a sponge exactly, but I find that something I look at is a great opportunity for ideas," Stewart explained. That's how parents should look at the world to find ideas for summer crafts to keep their kids busy on hot days. 

Breaking Up Summer Boredom 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children spend roughly seven hours per day with their butts planted in front of screens, either watching TV and movies or playing on the computer, laptop or smartphone. 

The AAP website states: "Studies have shown that excessive media use can lead to attention problems, school difficulties, sleep and eating disorders, and obesity." They suggest that parents limit their kids' screen time and get them involved in other activities. This can certainly include crafts that get them away from the screen, involve some creativity and engage the kids in a family activity. 

Starting a craft binder or box, or even a file of all the things you could try together is one way to organize your ideas and have them ready to start at any given time. Write down ideas as they come to you on notecards and file and categorize them, much like you would recipes. That way, you're never at a loss for finding something fun to do. Try Pinterest for saving creative ideas that give detailed instructions.