9 Tips to Get Your House Clean Fast!

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It takes a special person to enjoy housecleaning. If you're not one of them but you realize that somebody has to do it, follow these 9 tips to get your house clean fast.

Tip #1

The first thing you need to do is to gather all of the supplies together into a carryall. A carryall is a plastic tray that has a handle. It looks like a tray out of a toolbox and you can get one in the tool section of your local store.

Put all the cleaning essentials that you need in this carryall. This way, you have everything that you need and you can carry it with you from room to room. It will save you a lot of time running back and forth from room to room.

Some of the cleaning supplies you need to keep in your carryall are:

  • Dust cloths
  • Furniture polish
  • Window cleaner
  • Paper towels
  • Bathroom or all-purpose cleaner like 409
  • Scrubby pads
  • Ostrich feather duster
  • Large garbage bags

Once you have your carryall stocked, you're ready for action.